Samstag, 27. Februar 2016

Custom Wavefront LASEK story

A good friend of mine just did Custom Wavefront LASEK at the same laser clinic I did my TransPRK at, follow his story here:

Samstag, 13. Februar 2016

11 months update

Dear readers

Today is exactly 11 months since I did my  Trans PRK eye laser surgery.

On the vision quality and acuity side everything is still good. I good, better then many people around me and have no glares or halos.

On the dryness side the 11 month have been good. After shortly after the 10 months day I suddenly has to drop much less frequent. I still use drops, especially early mornings or late evenings but I feel a significant improvement. There is light in the tunnel finally, I might be able to live without lubricating eye drops soon.

I also did a interesting discovery. For a while I used drops with preservatives, roughly month 8-10, then I switched back to preservative free again, and my eyes directly felt much better overall. Worth keeping in mind. The preservative free drops are more expensive, but better for your eyes.

Next update after the 12 month checkup which I have after 11 months and 21 days roughly.