Dienstag, 12. Juli 2016

16 months update

Wow already 16 months since I did my TransPRK refractive eye laser surgery! These updates are starting to get repetitive ! I guess that's a good thing though, no dramas after so many months.

So how are my eyes ? Basically same story as at 15 months. I see very good and I still have slighlty dry eyes, especially when sitting in the office with my 6 high resolution screens all day. That said, I am already down to 3-4 of these small single use bottles per day (picture below) which is pretty good since I was at over 10 per day one year ago. It might sound a lot to some of you, but I drop more then I really need, I like to keep my eyes fully moisturized  all days to maximize my vision and avoid any future dry eyes related problems.

I would say at 16 months I start to get 100% sure I did the right choice when I decided to do eye laser. The dry eyes will soon be gone (latest at 24 months according to my own research) and vision is super. I see better then most people around me. The extra vision I have gained compared to when I had contacts and glasses for example helps me when I play Golf, I can follow the ball all the way, even when hitting a 250 meter drive. Another positive side effect is that my eye whites are starting to get whiter. Less small blood vessels in there competed to how it looked after 20 years of contact lenses. 

Ok readers ! Until next time !

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