Vision is awesome. I still have to use lubricating eye drops but getting less and less. Now the eyes just feel a little bit dry in the morning, but I still lubricate roughly every 2 hours throughout the day. I hope this will resolve itself over the next couple of months.
Also a quick refresher on the various versions of PRK surgery:
PRK: Epithelium removed with surgical instrument, before the Excimer laser reshapes the Corneal stroma.
LASEK: Epithelium removed with alcohol, before the Excimer laser reshapes the Corneal stroma.
Trans-PRK (no touch) : Epithelium removed by the Excimer laser, before the Excimer laser reshapes the Corneal stroma. In the single-step version which I did the Epithelium is removed and the cornea reshaped in one step which makes the whole procedure very short (35 seconds per eye in my case).
Next update at the 4 months day.