Sonntag, 7. Juni 2015

Vision development first 35 days

To make it easy for the reader, here is a summary of my development so far. Will update again at the 3 month test in a couple of days.

Vision development first 35 days

Before surgery (near sighted): Left -2.75, -0.75 astigmatism. Right: -2.75, -0.75 astigmatism.

After surgery (Day 1 = 1 day after surgery, Day 4 = 4 days after surgery...)
Left = Only left eye open
Right = Only right I open
Combined = Both eyes open

Day 1: Very poor. US 20/100, Decimal 0.2
Day 4: Poor. US 20/60, Decimal: 0.35
Day 7: Pretty good. Left 20/25 (0.8), Right: 0.63, Combined: 20/22 (0.9).
Day 35 (~1 month): Left 20/20 (1.0), 100%, Right 20/20 (10), 100%. Combined: Could read 4 out of 5 letters on 20/16 line (1.25), 125%

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